• First, you must practice loving yourself

Everything about you has beauty: Your body, your mind, even your energy. Never stop loving what is yours personally.

occasionally focus on one part of your body … an eye for instance
what a phenomenal mechanism … you could spend a lifetime understanding and appreciating it … its evolution, its functions, its role in human behavior … consider the variety of experiences it presents to you
love your eye

Your urges determine much of what you do. Know and appreciate the role instinct plays in your life. From satiating thirst and hunger to protecting your children, you never stop being an animal. The formidable drives you have must be respected. Think of how phenomenal it is that you are attracted to a stranger. You keep yourself to yourself when encountering most people. But “charge” when someone has a body you desire. “WOW ‘check out’ that derriere.” “What a set of …..” Your ‘juices’ flow. Lust. “Yea!!” Can’t keep you down. A little pride in your ‘capabilities’? Nothing wrong with that. But remember: You did not design this powerful attraction. And mating is ubiquitous. Species must be perpetuated. An amazing, most successful drive. Love and respect this awesome dynamic of nature … for what it is.

watch guys ogling young females
the reverse
what’s going on?
this urge to merge
it starts out with visual attraction
eyes locking onto fannies … sparking something
then the parrying and possible connecting
an age old process … works wonders … YOU for instance!!

You have talent … skills. You perform well in certain activities. You should focus on them; develop them. Improve yourself physically, mentally. Nothing wrong with having confidence and a good self-image. You must have positive motivation to persevere. Just be careful not to let your profession … your enterprise define you, determine you … ‘rule’ your life. You do not want your chosen endeavors to become ‘your reason for being’. This can impede your development in other areas.

let your friends know you are ‘getting serious’ about
an ability or pursuit
seek help … books, coaches, experts, whatever
commit to developing … improving
practice and feel good about accomplishing
respect and use your skill for a lifetime
move on and nurture other potentials

Love the you that is growing. It is exciting watching and appreciating yourself develop. Never take your ‘living’ for granted. Challenges and changes are constant companions. Make commitments and go forward. Be proud of your efforts no matter how inconsequential. Even if expectations are not met, you are trying. Striving makes you stronger … gives you greater perspective. You know yourself better. You develop skills to handle the world more effectively. Appreciate what you have been doing that has made you a more positive person. If for instance you are a better listener than you were a year ago, love yourself for it. Love your improved understanding and awareness. Tell yourself “YES, I am going in the right direction.” You often need to prod, inspire and reward yourself with praise. Especially when you know you are developing a noble, loving self … steadfastly.

choose a goal or ‘challenge’ you have ‘harboured’
in a corner of your mind
could be anything
learning a skill … a ‘project’ to improve the neighborhood
make plans … carry them out
upon completion gloat over your accomplishment
reflect on how this has changed you
commit to intrepid pursuing in the future
you can always improve
you and the world around you

Respect your motivations and commitments. With them you navigate. Without them you stagnate. Be in awe of your own willpower. Focusing and striving are essential for growth. But be careful to remain flexible. You must constantly review your direction. Be honest. Make adjustments. Do what you know in your heart is best for you and for others. Espouse caring and empathy. With them you can sustain confidence. You can overcome all fear and doubt. Life becomes a series of challenges … you accept graciously. Your intentions are valid and positive. You are doing the best you can.

you have a ‘friend’ or relative you wish you didn’t
you have not ‘given up’ on this relationship
write down positive attributes of this person
try hard … must be something
focus on these
then empathize with the life this person has led
you will develop a better perspective …
understanding and appreciating
how this person has ‘evolved’
accept the ‘whole’ person
approach others in this manner

Accomplishments and acquisitions are what you are proud of. You have reason to be: You have sacrificed … labored many hours. You have earned rewards. Feel good about them. Be proud of what you have accomplished. Enjoy your ‘stuff’. Experiences and cherished items are part of you … fine … as long as you do not become obsessed by them. They are transitory: Your ‘triumphs’ … your possessions. They will become memories. It is not what you have done or what you possess that is important. It is WHO YOU BECOME … WHO YOU ARE!!

‘pick out’ something you cherish
give it away
not easy??
make a practice of this as you grow older
you will learn what ‘matters’ now matters little later on
you will develop a more mature perspective
becoming more you
not someone defined by mere possessions

You are created in the “image and likeness of God.” Do you believe this? If so, you certainly should love yourself. Especially your spiritual abilities and the growing spirit within you. Know that your loving and caring is part of an ALL ENCOMPASSING LOVE that you were created for. You should embrace this feeling. You are a transcendent being who is loving and being filled with love in return. Every moment of your life you can rejoice in this. For you are participating in the creative process that leads inexorably to fruition, to PURE LOVE.

be still … quiet … alone once a day
converse with yourself … in your mind
be open … honest with your hopes and fears
accept them … put them ‘aside’!!
ask yourself how you are doing
the real you … the deep inside you
find the calm, understanding VOICE
coaxing … prodding direction
feel relieved … bask in peace
know you are never alone



©2007-2008 Edwin O'Shea and definingyourworld.com. All or part of only one topic, including all definitions and essay, may be used without written permission. Please see full copyright notice on home page.