Develop the habit of using your senses purposefully focusing your attention on what you find attractive or interesting. There is a never-ending ‘parade’ passing you by each day. Ask what something is … why something is. Everything has a reason for being. Enjoy fragrances, scents and aromas. Listen to nature’s sounds … the cacophony of city streets. An astounding variety of hues ‘courts’ your penchant for beauty. Incidental … superficial experiencing should occasionally be ‘interrupted’ by your determination to revel in the ‘little things’. Never stop ‘playing’ the child intrigued by the marching of ants. They along with all creatures present countless opportunities for captivating encounters. Your spirit will ‘expand’ more and more with your receptiveness and altruism. Self-absorption … self-complacency: These common tendencies will be overwhelmed by your enthusiasm. “Get thee outside thyself … ‘live lives’ not your own.”

moments are precious even when stuck in traffic or waiting on line
you may ponder what a cargo truck is carrying
focus on outfits ‘parading’ down a street
consider certain occupations … the tasks a professional or ‘worker’ must perform
‘connect’ with strangers often … if only in your mind
be sincere and intrepid in your ‘inquiries’
receptive to another’s skills and goals
everyone has a history … a story
appreciate lives different from your own
you will learn much and empathize more
others’ experiences will become yours

Develop an awe of nature. Appreciate all that lives … the various ‘manifestations’. Become enamored with nature’s astounding order and diversity. Every life form is intriguing. Each is heir to its evolution. How has it managed to survive for millions of years? Why does it do what it does? Creatures have held a fascination for centuries. Now as never before you can easily learn more about them. The delights of knowing about a bird, a cat or beetle will open your heart to reverence and a desire to learn more. Everything on earth is worthy of your inspection. Why? Because all that has lived and lives is an integral part of creation. AND you are driven to inquire, to ponder and to know for the sake of knowing … what has transpired in nature and what is happening now. Knowledge is certainly beneficial. Many potent life-saving drugs have been developed thanks to plants and animals. The much maligned snake with its toxic venom has been a great resource. For you though … as for most people … encounters with our furry friends … learning more about them … lavishing your pet with cooing and stoking … this universal captivation ‘lifts’ your spirit and provokes an outpouring of caring and concern. You may perceive reciprocation by a cute ‘object’ of your affection … but only you are in awe of nature’s majesty … only you truly care for all creature … for all plant life … now and always. A bit grandiose? Your spirit reveals a tender regard unique in this universe, does it not?

whenever opportunity presents itself
contemplate the beauty and order of the natural world
gaze patiently at insects inspecting their colors … pondering their prodigious industry
never stop learning about the animals that inhabit this earth
develop the habit of inquiry
make a list of species you find interesting
you will be appreciating ‘other’ in a simple and exciting way
and if you become a little restless or ‘tired’ of being ‘earthbound’
gaze at the night sky and marvel at grandeur of the universe
there is so much more for you to explore and discover

Devise ‘quests’. There is always something interesting to know more about. There are skills you may wish to develop. In any endeavor start out with questions. How is this possible? What makes that work? Can you do it? Why not try? Perhaps archaeology … woodworking … star gazing … scuba diving. A pursuit will challenge and enlighten you. Set a goal … hopefully a reasonable one. Then commit to ‘knowing’ as much as possible about every aspect of your quest. Seek ‘authorities’ on the subject: Books, the internet, those already engaged in similar pursuits. There is a plethora of resources. Be humble in your initial ignorance. ‘Today’ many expect instant ‘everything’. Proficiency takes time. You may never become a ‘master’. This does not matter!! Acquiring knowledge and skills … you will come away more enlightened … about yourself … your capabilities … what you are ‘good’ at … what you enjoy. You will never fail. Pursuing a goal … you will always be experiencing. The impediments, ‘detours’, deficiencies you encounter … these add to a more ‘well-rounded’ you. Patience, flexibility, fortitude … some of the ‘strengths’ you will ‘naturally’ develop. AND equally important: You will increase your awareness and empathy for people.

consider what you have wanted to do or learn
decide on one pursuit and ‘give it a go’
seek pertinent knowledge and instruction
compile a list of necessities and also a timetable
begin … be flexible … make adjustments
renew your efforts … praise small ‘successes’
enjoy your incremental progress
share with others as often as possible
what an exciting world this can be!!

Become a better listener. Everyone has ‘their stories’. Most will welcome your attention. Parents, siblings, children, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, service providers: You interact with them … but do you take the time to listen? Sharing weather prognostications is one, common way. Trite social intercourse enhances stability and peace. Showing casual interest and respect for others can strengthen bonds. People will regard you as a ‘nice’ person … one who can be trusted. Very important in society: ‘To get along’. But there can be more to conversations than token politeness. You can commit to a deeper understanding of others. To do so you must develop the habit of asking sincere questions … listening intently … trying to be open and honest in your responses. Sensibilities … sensitivities vary. Grandma was ‘raised’ in a different time, a different place. Teenagers are experiencing hormonal imperatives. The plumber may not be fluent in your language. A little diplomacy is wise. But dialogues can evolve with mutual trust. Often there is a ‘click’ during a conversation … a ‘door’ opens … a ‘guarded self’ peeks out. An ‘aloneness’ reveals itself. There is a hope of being understood. You can ‘identify’ with this. Everyone harbors a need to share … their true selves … their hopes and dreams … their accrued successes and failures. Everyone is trying to be less alone … AND appreciated for who they are. And YOU the good listener are patient and accepting … your sensitive soul receptive to intimacy.

So take the time as often as possible to focus on another’s life. Vicarious experiences help you to be more empathetic … more sympathetic to the plight of others. Occasionally you may offer solace or advice. Your ‘inner’ life will become richer … fuller. You will be caring more for others. A cautionary note: Squash cynicism that occasionally rears its head. The self-centeredness of others may ‘put you off’. You may feel ‘superior’. Your pride can become an impediment to altruism. Knowing your own shortcomings … try practicing a little humility. Keep in mind: Every person is a spirit traveling down a road similar to yours. You share the same resources … encountering fateful challenges and decisions. You will appreciate this more and more as you become a better listener.

NEVER STOP TRYING TO ‘BE THERE’ FOR OTHERS: living is so much more productive when you do

train yourself to hear what someone is saying
ask questions and make an effort to understand
anonymously eavesdrop in public settings
listen to conversations without compromising someone’s privacy
reflect on what other’s say
relate to friends interesting stories
emphasize the positive and heart warming
in so doing you will be participating in a larger world
one more fascinating than yours will ever be

Encourage yourself constantly to be more considerate. Yes, you have your own priorities … some very personal … sex for example … some worldly … nice clothes perhaps. Then there are the everyday, mundane necessities: Being clean, attractive, alert. You also want to ‘play’: Visit a pub, watch a movie, go sailing. You have a life after all. But there are ‘beings’ outside you. Should you accommodate them? How much of an effort should you make to meet their wants, their needs? Do you yield to the whims of friends and relatives? Always … occasionally? Depends on your mood and the situation. Understandable. And what about casual acquaintances? Do you depend on a practiced civility … cordiality? Spout common platitudes sustaining peace and a modicum of mutual respect? Sure. You live in a society … you ‘get along’. Nothing wrong with that. You can try to be kind to those ‘close’ to you because you know you should. You can treat those outside your ‘inner circle’ with courtesy because you wish to avoid conflict. Or maybe you rarely breach barriers between you and ‘strangers’.

Is there a different tact other than this practical accommodation? A ‘mindset’ of gentle regard for everyone you meet? Is it possible for you to greet and converse with an open heart wanting to share and trust? Can you eschew brief, shallow encounters in favor of ‘connecting’ with others? Of course. If you are committed to being considerate. Trying your best to be receptive to another’s situation … friend or stranger. You can develop a spontaneous graciousness and equanimity for all. And do not think you can ‘turn this on and off’ when you wish. You are either genuinely generous with your concern for others or you remain ‘wrapped up’ in a stultifying attitude: ‘Me before everyone else’.

Is this getting through? Do you appreciate how important this is … for you … for your growth … spiritually? Remember … much of your living is determined by your habits. You must be serious and consistent in your personal regard for others. It is quite easy to ‘dismiss’ strangers and ‘lesser ones’ as unworthy of your attention much less your kindness. This is a mistake ‘spawned’ and nurtured by pride. Reside in the ‘muddy waters’ of self-complacency and you risk having a very limited life experience to say nothing of petrifying your soul!!

Renew your efforts daily. Acknowledge and appreciate your common humanity. YOU SHARE THIS WORLD WITH EVERYONE AND THEY ARE VERY MUCH LIKE YOU. Everyone has his or her own priorities. Ask yourself what they are. Try making another’s priority YOUR priority … because you are considerate. And in this everyday caring for friends AND strangers … more and more … love will grow … swelling your heart … your whole being. Is there a better way … to improve … to realize your potential … to be more secure in your quest for being the ‘best’ you? You have no choice … so get with the ‘program’ … of caring for ‘other’

make a commitment to helping those in need
take on little projects such as feeding and clothing the destitute
practice ‘being there’ for friends and acquaintances
do your best to learn what someone else wants
try to accommodate them even at the cost of personal sacrifice
this will draw you out of your own self-serving, narrow world
you will develop empathy, an essential prerequisite for loving

Be enthusiastic about what you enjoy or consider important. Maintain a positive attitude in all your activity. Through all adversity you decide what your attitude will be. Prod yourself constantly to focus on the ‘bright side’. Loving is so much easier when you do. And in your commitment to altruism be confident. It is sometimes tempting to ‘give up’. Never do. Your genuine concern for others is sustained by an unshakeable reliance on your motivation … to ‘do good’. You ‘mean well’ and you always will!!

Others will respect you for this. They may be influenced to act in a similar way. So do not be discouraged by walls of egocentricities you encounter. Your enthusiastic understanding and caring will tear down many barriers. Your positive attitude is ‘contagious’ … an inspiration sustained by an attractive, nurturing phenomenon: Being ‘other oriented’.

each day prod yourself to be kind and caring
it is often in the inconsequential that you find your heart
be there for people and be there with a smile
brighten up a stranger’s life with a friendly word
be gracious even elated when you can aid another:
a child who needs encouragement, the enfeebled who can use a helping hand
take the time and make the effort to love others
you will make a difference in this world … and in yourself



©2007-2008 Edwin O'Shea and definingyourworld.com. All or part of only one topic, including all definitions and essay, may be used without written permission. Please see full copyright notice on home page.