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Lonely supplication.

Hopeful solicitation of the supernatural.

A yielding of self to the omnipotent Creator.

Most often the last resort of a practical person.

Recitation by rote of time-honored incantations.

An attempt to find solace in alternative resources.

Expressed confidence in an unseen powerful reality.

A very personal communication with one’s conjured benefactor.

An egoistic presumption that some ethereal being is listening to you.

Common recourse when feeling powerless; temporary relief from the feeling of helplessness.

  • Perhaps the most common primordial cry for help.
  • Perhaps a salve on the conscience of an indolent person.
  • Perhaps true prayer is openly feeling one with everything.
  • Perhaps an ancient habit of self-deception to ward off demons.
  • Perhaps being a good listener is essential for prayer to be heard.
  • Perhaps an intrinsic, vital means of spirit embracing the ubiquitous Spiritual.
  • Perhaps mere air bubbles one hopes will be noticed when they reach the surface.
  • Perhaps the effrontery of mortality is an indignity that can only be bourn by a conviction that we have power … to call on THE GREAT VANQUISHER whenever we wish.
  • Perhaps we ‘know’ there is a Greater Reality and we employ all sorts of fanciful means to communicating with It.
  • Perhaps humility begins for many when the battle is almost lost; perhaps it is then that the heart acknowledges a dependence on what is beyond the transitory and a call goes out the Divine Listener.



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