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Obsession’s robot.

Your unique view.

Bathwater you can drown in.

The handmaiden of motivation.

A lens that needs constant refocusing.

Outlook that germinates in an empty cavern.

A barometer of warmth and frigidity ‘within’.

A mantle that gets heavier the longer you wear it.

Consciousness’s pilot that will crash if not relieved.

Most wholesome when adaptable and flexible; most loathsome when rigid.

  • Perhaps you become what you decide to think.
  • Perhaps what you see relies on how you see it.
  • Perhaps perception is often skewed by your emotion.
  • Perhaps your happiness and misery depend on your responses.
  • Perhaps cultivating warmth and kindness overwhelms the weeds of despair.
  • Perhaps mental health and well-being depend on the success of adaptability.
  • Perhaps constantly accommodating what is outside your gate can only lead to neglect of what is vital within.
  • Perhaps peace and harmony in the world evolve as people commit to sharing and understanding attitudes.
  • Perhaps you must monitor the potency of sensory invasions to your ‘inner sanctum’otherwise risk ‘takeovers’.
  • Perhaps arbitration is always taking place in the command center; perhaps the ‘detached’ observer is constantly ‘sorting out’ what has merit and can ‘stay’.



©2007-2008 Edwin O'Shea and All or part of only one topic, including all definitions and essay, may be used without written permission. Please see full copyright notice on home page.