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A habit of relying on the arcane.

Organized religion: a bane to world harmony.

Religiosity: integral in the evolution of kindness.

Enthusiastic explanations engendered by primitive reactions to the unknown.

Embracing a perceived or extolled omnipotence that accommodates a drive for personal power.

Necessary preoccupation for all who dread demise and seek solace in authoritative directives.

Tenacious group ‘believing’ in order to be ‘safe’ that has a tendency to abdicate individual responsibility.

An earnest attempt by earthbound spiritual beings to understand and realize their potential: to love for eternity.

A coalescence of fears and accommodations by succeeding generations who deal with them by perpetuating powerful beliefs.

A relic that will gradually be subsumed by enlightened enthusiasm with the beatific awareness’s and expressions of the soul.

  • Perhaps the hope for a more civil world is less a preoccupation with fear and form than a dedication to truly caring.
  • Perhaps conventional religions wisely adhere to arcane rules and enigmatic answers to keep the faithful compliant.
  • Perhaps our drive for security is so great that we readily embrace platitudes and rituals that ‘ensure’ our acceptability to a Greater Power.
  • Perhaps we create ‘supernatural realities’ to build confidence and maintain calm; perhaps everyone ‘needs’ a religion to keep fear at bay.
  • Perhaps every religion strives for unity, civility and meaningful activity; perhaps one day a worldwide bond with common purpose will be formed from this.
  • Perhaps authoritarian interpretations of dogma are usually arrogant assertions of self-serving egos deceiving themselves and others in a drive for power and praise.
  • Perhaps religion is now embracing a more enlightened view of humans as fledgling spiritual entities that can grow by loving, by appreciating and developing their innate abilities.
  • Perhaps an ethic is evolving that will allow for honest inquiry and growth; perhaps this magnanimity will respect all and demand nothing save considerateness, kindness and a love of all creation.
  • Perhaps confusion reigns when souls try to interpret ultimate truths from without; perhaps by acknowledging the Spirit within the ‘religious’ will share their common bonds more graciously.
  • Perhaps when more and more people realize that every moment is an opportunity to love, acquiescence to I assumptions and oppressive dogma will give way to aggressive demands for accommodating behavior.



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