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A state of minds, not reality.

A temporary, fortified corral.

A contrivance for control by convention.

Mankind’s attempt at integration and integrity.

Demarcated land on which generations toil and die successfully protecting it.

People united on common ground by consensus, historical imperative, coercion or threat.

Substantial human cohesions engendered and compelled by commonalities: Appearance, customs, language, goals, enemies, a flag.

Mankind’s most ambitious attempt to unite people by inculcating common purpose and goals … usually most cohesive when citizens perceive threats.

A future anachronism referring to a time when ‘land boundaries’ contained cultures that perpetuated a heritage of provincial languages, history and customs.

Outsiders’ acknowledged and possibly respected designated territory peopled by homo sapiens who are united by rules and behavior and dominated by some sort of hierarchy.

  • Perhaps the larger a country grows the more likely it will dissemble.
  • Perhaps the most successful nations are those that allow the ‘full flourish’ of diversity.
  • Perhaps national celebrations encourage ‘shared identity’ which is essential for cohesiveness.
  • Perhaps a group’s stability and productivity are seriously undermined when people are dominated by fear.
  • Perhaps tribes uniting for common purposes was the beginning of NATION; perhaps however, too many tribes often dilute purpose.
  • Perhaps for a country to remain whole and beneficent it must democratically elect officials who devise and maintain unifying, respectful, codified norms that inhibit excesses of individual whim while safeguarding individual rights.
  • Perhaps nations will eventually give way to small communities united worldwide by a code of ethics: Respect and caring for ALL with nurturing families at its core; perhaps selfishness and violence will become a primitive relic viewed as counterproductive.
  • Perhaps the burgeoning population of countries with centralized government undermines citizen fidelity due to a resented, ‘out of touch’ bureaucracy that pontificates arbitrarily and cavalierly; perhaps the best solution to maintaining solidarity is effective, localized governing.
  • Perhaps in order for societies to accomplish ‘great’ feats individuals must yield a portion of their independence; perhaps to avoid the morass and oppressiveness of government rules and regulations leaders must empower dynamic enterprises of various sizes to employ skilled, committed workers.
  • Perhaps civilization is most civil when citizens and their government abide by the Golden Rule: “Due unto others as you would have done unto you”; perhaps the ‘undoing’ of nations is elitism; perhaps the best safeguard is to temper autocratic nationalism with sincere understanding and equanimity for the individual.



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