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A fortified refuge for parasites.

Legitimatized form of extortion.

Rule by committee and documentation.

Meddlers who are successful in convincing many they know best.

A ‘self-perpetuating engine’ that binds people together in common pursuits.

An impediment to progress when bloated with mediocrity espousing the status quo.

A haven for vanities, unbridled covetousness, sycophancies and displays of ‘power’.

Necessary recourse for pooling funds to finance major projects such as mass transportation, safety and defense.

Citizens entrusted with funds and power to regulate for the common good what the people agree cannot be done privately.

Administrators and their organized ‘functionaries’ who control resources in order to redistribute them equitably or to hoard them … either cementing a bureaucratic stronghold.

  • Perhaps a ‘public scorned’ by a public trust should become intolerant.
  • Perhaps a united people require informed, adamant, ‘detached’ direction.
  • Perhaps leadership without empathy is spawned by a country without ‘heart’.
  • Perhaps ‘governing bodies’ should periodically be pared down to essentials.
  • Perhaps disaster awaits the profligate who heeded not the tremulous voices of the past.
  • Perhaps 21st century, awe-inspiring ‘bigness’ often undermines efficacy and efficiency.
  • Perhaps the only effective governing bodies are parochial; perhaps accountability diminishes with distance.
  • Perhaps the belief that government can and should solve most problems undermines self worth and initiative; perhaps the panacea of government solutions is the icon of the indolent.
  • Perhaps a leadership’s preoccupation with image and a disregard for substance erodes citizen motivation and fidelity; perhaps political speeches must engender action or complacency will prevail.
  • Perhaps we dissemble the more we assemble; perhaps deception is essential for cohesiveness; perhaps feeling secure is what we want at any price; perhaps the more we relinquish for the common good, the less we expect from ourselves.



©2007-2008 Edwin O'Shea and All or part of only one topic, including all definitions and essay, may be used without written permission. Please see full copyright notice on home page.