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The bane of conformity.

A tyrant’s constant nemesis.

License to covet or dispense.

What wonder and imagination rely on.

Without a conscience an unbridled, fruitless whim.

A repository for keys which can open any drawer.

The hidden, unassailable resource which sustains freedom.

The only true power in the universe: You determining you.

The power to bring harmony into the world … or destruction.

For ‘man’ the incessant choosing between harmony and chaos.

  • Perhaps in an ocean of dirt and grime you alone decide to dust.
  • Perhaps the world is meaningless without your ability to remake it.
  • Perhaps what you are when you die is what you have decided to be.
  • Perhaps what most ‘determines’ you are the attitudes you ‘embrace’.
  • Perhaps accomplishment is the triumph of will over fear and selfishness.
  • Perhaps from the beginning of time you were ‘out there someplace’ making plans.
  • Perhaps progress depends on judicious choices supported by honesty and an intrepid spirit.
  • Perhaps you are actively involved in a ‘creation process’ you cannot fully comprehend.
  • Perhaps you are the progeny of the Infinite Decider who waits patently while you hone your skills.
  • Perhaps communication, essential for all successful, human endeavors, must always be preceded by considerateness and empathetic choices in order to reach its goals: Enlightenment, enjoyment, compatibility, growth and fulfillment.



©2007-2008 Edwin O'Shea and All or part of only one topic, including all definitions and essay, may be used without written permission. Please see full copyright notice on home page.